charcoal, ink, pastel, coloured pencil and Polaroid on paper, 150 x 230 cm. Installation view, Hauts-de-France region, FR

Exhibition view, solo show J'étais là. Charcoal, ink, coloured pencil and marker on various papers, documents, Polaroids and texts written on the wall
17 > 26.05.2024, cur. Lise Traino, Galerie Sator (Marais), Paris, FR
+ Paris Gallery Weekend, 24 > 26.05.2024. Photo : Grégory Copitet

< AUTOPORTRAIT, 2024, Indian ink, photocopies, Polaroids on cardboard, 29 x 20,5 cm
> AUTOPORTRAIT #3, 2024, mixed media on cardboard, 29,7 x 21 cm

DU NORD AU SUD (detail), 2023, first version, charcoal and ink on paper, 250 x 1650 cm, installation of drawings on four walls, made from digital and argentic personal photographs.
Exhibition view, solo show Le plaisir au travail, 21.10 > 09.12.2023
cur. Martine Robin, Château de Servières, Marseille, FR, with the support of FRAC Picardie. Photo : Jean-Christophe Lett

LE BLEU DE L'ARCHIVE, 2024, livre d’artiste (édition 150 ex.)
19,5 x 11,5 cm / 19,5 x 23 cm ouvert, papier Cyclus Preprint 90g, 158 pages.
Textes et photographies : Gabriel Folli
Préface : Philippe Piguet
Conception graphique : Romane Schott
Coordination éditoriale : Camille Martel
Relecture : Fabienne Octau
Impression : Geiger Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Alsace, FR.

< PORTFOLIO WORKER (LA CRUE), 2025, Indian ink, marker, coloured pencil, Polaroid and tape on wallpaper, 29,7 x 21 cm
> PORTFOLIO WORKER (DE SAVERDUN À AMIENS), 2025, coloured pencil, ink, Polaroids and tape on wallpaper, 29,7 x 21 cm

Studio view, 19.01.2025, Les Ateliers La Volière, Dijon, FR
charcoal, Indian ink, acrylic, coloured pencil, Polaroids, tape and collages on furniture found in the street, 69 x 37 x 50 cm

J’ÉTAIS LÀ, 2024
mixed media on paper, 29 x 22 cm

Workshop Parcours artistique, CPES-CAAP Avignon, Campus Vincent de Paul, 02 > 05.12.2024. Polaroids : Gabriel Folli

DU NORD AU SUD (detail), 2017 - 2024, version no.2, charcoal, coloured pencil and Indian ink on paper, 230 x 1120 cm, installation of drawings on three walls, made from digital and argentic personal photographs.
Exhibition view, solo show J'étais là., 17 > 26.05.2024, cur. Lise Traino, Galerie Sator (Marais), Paris, FR
Photo : Grégory Copitet

Indian ink, charcoal, pastel and crayon on paper, 150 x 215 cm. Installation view, Hauts-de-France region, FR

mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection
mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm
mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection

Studio view, 30.03.2021, Drawing Factory, Paris, FR
Worked 6 months in Paris, Drawing Factory, supported by Drawing Lab and Cnap, 21.03 > 20.09.2021
on the floor :
MIRACLE OF THE DELIVERANCE, 2021. Private collection
charcoal, Indian ink, coloured pencil and marker on found wallpaper, 165 x 180 cm
charcoal on wallpaper, 68 x 53 cm. Collection Musée Jenisch Vevey, CH

charcoal on wallpaper, 53 x 67 cm. Private collection

Exhibition view, solo show Le plaisir au travail
21.10 > 09.12.2023, cur. Martine Robin, Château de Servières, Marseille, FR
with the support of FRAC Picardie. Photo : Jean-Christophe Lett

Exhibition view, solo show Le plaisir au travail
21.10 > 09.12.2023, cur. Martine Robin, Château de Servières, Marseille, FR
with the support of FRAC Picardie. Photo : Jean-Christophe Lett

STUDIO VIEW #16, 2023
mixed media on wood (found furniture), 83,2 x 39,5 x 40 cm

< SANS TITRE (BARQUE), 2023, coloured pencil and ink on wallpaper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection
> IMPROVISATION 004 (LES CASSEURS DE CAILLOUX), 2024, mixed media on wallpaper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection

CE QU'IL FAUT SAUVER, leporello (detail 1/5), 2023. Part of my project @aisnestreetprojects (Histoire, mémoire et patrimoine de l'Aisne, 2018 - 2024)
Detail of AVALANCHE 4, editorial project with the support of FRAC Picardie and DRAC Hauts-de-France. Graphic design by MIRAT-MASSON

< AMO BISHOP RODEN #3, 2022, mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection
Published in Art Press 508, text by Etienne Hatt, Dessins contemporains : Au contact du photographique, march 2023
> AMO BISHOP RODEN #6, 2022. mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm. Private collection

charcoal on wallpaper, 53 x 74 cm
Exhibited at Drawing Now Paris, 16e edition, artist focus on the stand of Galerie La Ferronnerie / Brigitte Négrier, 23 > 26.03.2023, Carreau du Temple, Paris, FR

charcoal on wallpaper, 53 x 67 cm

Workshop Déambulation dessinée (4 h), with Maison de la Culture d'Amiens and Art & jardins Hauts-de-France, Amiens, 2024. Polaroids : Gabriel Folli

ELOGE DU COURAGE (16H45), 2023
charcoal and ink on paper, 210 x 330 cm. Installation view, Hauts-de-France region, FR

STUDIO VIEW #18, 2023
mixed media on wood, 18,7 x 29,7 x 2,2 cm. Photo : Jean-Christophe Lett

< HOMMAGE À D.ROTH / l'ardent DÉSIR de TRAVAILLER, 2021, graphite, marker, plants on wallpaper, plastic and cardboard, 29,5 x 21,3 cm
> HOMMAGE À JOSEPH BEUYS / BRACELET ÉLECTRONIQUE, 2020, graphite, oil pastel, acrylic, stamp, postcard, tipex, flowers, tape on found paper,
24,5 x 19,5 cm. Private collection

STUDIO VIEW #K, detail, 2023
mixed media on paper (artist's book), 8,9 x 11,4 cm, 60 p. (unique artwork)

Workshop Déambulation dessinée (6 h), with option arts plastiques - Lycée Paul Claudel, Laon, 2024
As part of my solo show Ce qu'il faut sauver, Maison des Arts et Loisirs, 23.01 > 23.03.2024
with the support of FRAC Picardie, Laon, FR

< IMPROVISATION 004 (a&j - Jardin de la Paix italien), 2020, charcoal, ink and coloured pencil on paper, 100 x 75 cm. Collection FRAC Picardie, FR
> COMPOSITION 018 (Great Reset), 2020, coloured pencil, ink, acrylic spray, Polaroïd and collages on canvas, 35 x 27 cm

Exhibition view, solo show La Terre entière pour tombeau,
21.01 > 15.02.2020, Le Box, Toulouse, FR. Photo : Kristofer Hart

charcoal, graphite and coloured pencil on paper, 75 x 110 cm
SANS TITRE (BLEU & NOIR), 2019 - 2023
charcoal, coloured pencil and Polaroid on paper, 52 x 75 cm

PEGASUS, 2017. Private collection
charcoal, black stone, graphite and pastel on recycled paper, 50 x 65 cm

POUR QUE NAISSE UN NOUVEAU QUARTIER #4, 2016. Private collection
charcoal on found plan, 64 x 105 cm
Exhibited at Art on paper, Brussels International Contemporary Drawing Fair, 05 > 09.09.2018
solo show with Artitude Gallery, Palais des Beaux-Arts | BOZAR, Brussels, BE

charcoal, graphite and coloured pencil on paper, 59,4 x 42 cm

1981-2013, 2013

Exhibition view, Triennale ADIAF De leur temps (7), curated by Keren Detton and Michel Poitevin,
28.01 > 23.04.2023, FRAC Grand Large, Dunkerque (Fr). Photo : Aurélien Mole
on the left :
THE NATION, 2019, mixed media on paper, 150 x 150 cm. Private collection
on the right :
a work by Kapwani Kiwanga, SOFT MEASURES : LAGO MARE, 2019.

Studio view, artist residency, Les Ateliers DLKC, supported by DRAC Occitanie
19 > 30.08.2024, Saverdun (Ariège), FR
in the foreground : ELOGE DU PAYSAN, 2024, Indian ink on plan, 59 x 83 cm

Studio view, artist residency (7 months), Maison de la Culture d'Amiens
with the support of DRAC Hauts-de-France, 2024. Photo : Jérémy Grace
ADAGP © 2025 Gabriel Folli